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2012-02-06 - 1:44 p.m.

Gah. I swear if Jim Derogatis gets Lollapalooza taken away from Chicago, I will never forgive him.

And, I get people not liking the tax deal because I don't think they are that awesome for regular businesses either, but you don't hear anyone threatening the CBOE.

So here's my question - if they change it so that everyone has to pay the entertainment tax on their ticket - because that's where it will end up - does anyone honestly believe that C3 will still keep giving money to the Parks District? Because they gave more than the tax would be worth last year.

Also, are you willing to give up $120M of revenue over those 3 days which is taxed? Because why on earth would Lolla stay in Chicago when there are several cities who would welcome that exchange of no entertainment tax for $120M in revenue over three days in a heartbeat.

But again, Dero, you suck. You aren't having this fight out of any sort of political beliefs, you're having this fight because you and Perry don't get along. Real. Fucking. Mature.

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